Yourtown Horticulture Pre-Employment Program Graduation

Our yourtown Horticulture Pre-employment Program participants graduated earlier this month, completing nationally accredited units from the Certificate II in Horticulture (AHC20416). This was an eight-week course supported by the Renewal SA Works Program, it featured blended learning in the classroom and hands-on training to deliver a project that has beautified an unused area at Smithfield Plains’ Precinct Community Hub. The project allowed the participants to gain skills in horticulture and landscape maintenance while transforming the space into a welcoming place for people visiting The Precinct. Nice work and well done to all students!
Graduating participants have now been signed up into traineeships with yourtown, so you may see them working and delivering general site maintenance at Playford Alive. We wish them all the best in their exciting new careers.
This program was made possible through cross-government funding and support, thank you to Program partners yourtown, Interskills Training, the City of Playford, and TAFE SA who all contributed to its success in providing opportunities for local people to participate in training, work experience and secure employment.