Supporting the Playford Women's Shed

The recent Bricklaying Pre-Apprecnticeship Program at Playford Alive, of which 15 participants graduated and five participants have already gained employment in the industry, was a wonderful opportunity to see the positive results the Works Program continues to deliver to our community.
This program was run in association with the Playford Women's Shed — a volunteer-operated, unfunded organisation that assists in providing a safe environment for socially isolated and vulnerable women to meet, build new skills, increase their confidence and develop community connections.. As a part of the Bricklaying program, the participants built four raised garden beds and a brick BBQ for use by the Women’s Shed for gardening with the intent to establish a veggie patch.
The Playford Alive team assisted the Women’s Shed by providing and installing soil to the garden beds along with some seedlings and mulch. There were also some smaller garden beds that were built which we provided soil for and these will be planted by children who participate in the school holiday programs which are run there. A true team effort!